Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Technologies in Residential Building Codes.
Wortman, D. ; Echo-Hawk, L.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Building codes;    Residential buildings;    Energy conservation;    Energy efficiency;    Fuel gas;   
RP-ID  :  DE200515011447
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

This report is an attempt to describe the building code requirements and impediments to the application of EE and RE technologies in residential buildings. Several modern model building codes were reviewed. These are representative of the codes that will be adopted by most locations in the coming years. The codes reviewed for this report include: International Residential Code, First Draft, April 1998; International Energy Conservation Code, 1998; International Mechanical Code, 1998; International Plumbing Code, 1997; International Fuel Gas Code, 1997; National Electrical Code, 1996. These codes were reviewed as to their application to (1) PV systems in buildings and building-integrated PV systems and (2) active solar domestic hot water and space-heating systems. A discussion of general code issues that impact these technologies is also included. Examples of this are solar access and sustainability.

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