This Model Report describes the methods used to determine hydrologic properties based on the available field data from the unsaturated zone (UZ) at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, and documents validation of the active fracture model (AFM). This work was planned in Technical Work Plan (TWP) for: Performance Assessment Unsaturated Zone (BSC 2002 (160819), Sections 1.10.2, 1.10.3, and 1.10.8). Fracture and matrix properties are developed by analyzing available survey data from the Exploratory Studies Facility (ESF), Cross Drift for Enhanced Characterization of Repository Block (ECRB), and/or boreholes; air injection testing data from surface boreholes and from boreholes in the ESF; and data from laboratory testing of core samples. The AFM is validated on the basis of experimental observations and theoretical developments. This report is a revision of an Analysis Model Report, under the same title, as a scientific analysis with Document Identifier number ANL-NBS-HS-000002 (BSC 2001 (159725)) that did not document activities to validate the AFM. The principal purpose of this work is to provide representative uncalibrated estimates of fracture and matrix properties for use in the model report Calibrated Properties Model (BSC 2003 (160240)). The present work also provides fracture geometry properties for generating dual-permeability grids as documented in the Scientific Analysis Report, Development of Numerical Grids for UZ Flow and Transport Modeling (BSC 2003 (160109)). The resulting calibrated property sets and numerical grids from these reports will be used in the Unsaturated Zone Flow and Transport Process Model (UZ Model), and Total System Performance Assessment (TSPA) models. The fracture and matrix properties developed in this Model Report include: Fracture properties (frequency, permeability, van Genuchten a and m parameters, aperture, porosity, and interface area) for each UZ Model laye; Matrix properties (porosity, permeability, and van Genuchten a and m parameters) for each UZ Model layer; Thermal properties (grain density, wet and dry thermal conductivity, and grain specific heat) for each UZ Model layer; and Fault properties for each major hydrogeologic unit. These properties incorporate the available measurement data, as applicable, to estimate fracture and matrix properties. Field data from liquid release testing in the ESF and other relevant data are also used to validate these properties and provide bounds on property values. Another objective of this report is to document activities to validate the AFM based on experimental observations and theoretical developments.