Automated Inadvertent Intruder Analysis Application.
Koffman, L. D.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Waste disposal facilities;    Radiological materials;    Performance assessment;    Radioactive waste;    Waste management;   
RP-ID  :  DE2004833394
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

Savannah River National Laboratory is responsible for the radiological performance assessment analysis for Savannah River Site waste disposal facilities (McDowell-Boyer2000), which results in limits on the amounts of radiological substances that can be placed in the waste disposal facilities. To arrive at these limits, the performance assessment considers numerous potential exposure pathways that could occur in the future. One set of exposure scenarios, known as inadvertent intruder analysis, considers the impact on hypothetical individuals who are assumed to inadvertently intrude onto the waste disposal site. Inadvertent intruder analysis considers three distinct scenarios for exposure referred to as the agriculture scenario, the resident scenario, and the post-drilling scenario. Each of these scenarios has specific exposure pathways that contribute to the overall dose for the scenario.

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