Self-Consistent, Integrated, Advanced Tokamak Operation on DIII-D.
Wade, M. R. ; Murakami, M. ; Luce, T. C. ; Ferron, J. R. ; Petty, C. C.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Thermonuclear ignition;    Tokamak devices;    Ingredient integration;    Current drive efficiency;    Energy confinement;   
RP-ID  :  DE2004821383
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

Recent experiments on DIII-D have demonstrated the ability to sustain plasma conditions that integrate and sustain the key ingredients of Advanced Tokamak (AT) operation: high beta with q(sub min) greater than 1, good energy confinement, and high current drive efficiency. Utilizing off-axis (p=0.4) electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) to modify the current density profile in a plasma operating near the no-wall ideal stability limit with q(sub min) greater than 2, plasmas with beta approximately 2.9% and 90% of the plasma current driven non-inductively have been sustained for nearly 2 s limited only by the duration of the ECCD pulse. Separate experiments have demonstrated the ability to sustain a steady current density profile using ECCD for periods as long as 1 s with beta equals 3.3% and greater than 90% of the current driven non-inductively.

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