The Joint Urban 2003 Experiment (JU2003) was conducted in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma during the summer of 2003. This extensive field experiment included over a hundred scientists measuring airflow, tracer concentration, and other variables pertinent to urban dispersion. During JU2003, researchers installed anemometers in and around the urban area for continuous measurement of airflow during the 35-day experiment. Additionally, they fielded instruments to measure the atmospheric concentration of the inert tracer sulfur hexafluoride SF6 during ten Intensive Observation Periods (IOPs). Also during the IOPs, additional instruments were fielded to measure airflow using temporary tripod-mounted anemometers. 12-hour long IOP featured two or three separate 30-minute tracer releases, and several puff releases. There were a total of 29 thirty-minute releases, and all were evaluated in this study. The location and time of the releases varied for the different IOPs. Releases were made at three locations: Westin Hotel, Botanical Gardens, and Park Avenue. Six of the IOPs were conducted in the daytime, four at night.