The subgroup on Supercondcuting RF Systems and Cryogenics was assigned the following tasks: (1) provide acceptable design recommendations for the accelerating structures and related RF and Cryogenics systems based on the parameters established by High Energy and Nuclear Physics needs (namely a final energy of 2.5 and 8 GeV at the end of the first and second stage, respectively, and the ability of accelerating simultaneously the 200(micro)A Nuclear Physics beam and the three bunches for High Energy Physics). (2) estimate the cost of such systems based on realistic, present day technology, with some assessment of future costs as technology and cavity manufacturing processes will improve. These tasks were carried out for the case of the original design which includes two racetracks of similar structure and with different energies, as well as for the more recent design of Amaldi and Coignet which is capable of reaching a center of mass energy of 15 GeV (alternate design). Design and cost estimates were done for a few cases of possible achievable gradients.