Open Cavity Solutions to the RF UB Magnetic Field Problem.
Palmer, R. B. ; Gallardd, J. C. ; Berg, J. S. ; Fernow, R. C.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Magnetic fields;    Cavities;    Breakdown;    Electric fields;    Muons;   
RP-ID  :  DE2008924424
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】
It has been observed that breakdown in an 805 MHz pill-box cavity occurs at much lower gradients as an external axial magnetic field is increased. This effect was not observed with on open iris cavity. It is proposed that this effect depends on the relative angles of the magnetic and maximum electric fields: parallel in the pill-box case; at an angle in the open iris case. If so, using an open iris structure with solenoid coils in the irises should perform even better. A lattice, using this principle, is presented, for use in 6D cooling for a Muon Collider. Experimental layouts to test this principle are proposed.
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