High Gain FEL Amplification of Charge Modulation Caused by a Hadron.
Litvinenko, V. ; Ben-Zvi, I. ; Kayran, D. ; Hao, Y. ; Pozdeyev, E.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Free electron lasers;    Electron cooling;    Amplification;    Electron beams;    Green function;   
RP-ID  :  DE2008939943
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

In scheme of coherent electron cooling (CeC), a modulation of electron beam density induced by a copropagation hadron is amplified in high gain FEL. The resulting amplified modulation of electron beam, its shape, form and its lethargy determine number of important properties of the coherent electron cooling. In this talk we present both analytical and numerical (using codes RON and Genesis evaluations of the corresponding Green functions). We also discuss influence of electron beam parameters on the FEL response.

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