Transportable Vitrification System RCRA Closure Practical Waste Dispostion Saves Time and Money.
Brill, A. ; Boles, P. E. ; Byars, W.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Radioactive waste disposal;    Radioactive waste processing;    Hazardous materials;    Radioactive materials;    Radioactive waste management;   
RP-ID  :  DE2004825819
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

The Transportable Vitrification System (TVS) was a large-scale vitrification system for the treatment of mixed wastes. The wastes contained both hazardous and radioactive materials in the form of sludge, soil, and ash. The TVS was developed to be moved to various United States Department of Energy (DOE) facilities to vitrify mixed waste as needed. The TVS consists of four primary modules: (1) Waste and Additive Materials Processing Module; (2) Melter Module; (3) Emissions Control Module; and (4) Control and Services Module. The TVS was demonstrated at the East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP) during September and October of 1997. During this period, approximately 16,000 pounds of actual mixed waste was processed, producing over 17,000 pounds of glass. After the demonstration was complete it was determined that it was more expensive to use the TVS unit to treat and dispose of mixed waste than to direct bury this waste in Utah permitted facility.

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