An estimate is made for a 12mm x 14mm diamond foil heated by the H- beam that it is stripping. Previous thermal calculations estimate operating temperatures of > 3000K. The method is to use the S.B. equation to get watts. Power is then converted to numbers of photons, then the photons are blue-shifted to two bands on either side of the peak BB wavelength that will strip one or both electrons. The bands very roughly have edges at approx 0.75 eV and approx 13.6 eV. All the photons in the band are capable of stripping the electron. Then use the probability of stripping formula for comparison. The calculation dutifully remembers that one BB photon is still just one photon for statistical calculations after it is Doppler-shifted. The photon energy multiplier or Beta-multiplier simply boosts the photon to high enough energy to do some work.