This Report discusses progress and accomplishments during the initial 8 months (October 1, 1998 through May 31, 1999) of a 3-year project. Work is being performed through a collaboration between NIST and the Institute for Systems Research at the University of Maryland (PI: Professor T. J. McAvoy). This three year project has a goal of producing a scientific database for conductometric sensing materials and using this information to advance gas microsensor technology. The technology will use arrays of miniature solid state devices in which adsorption of target analytes produces measurable and quantifiable changes in conductance on a suitably chosen collection of sensing materials. Microsensor development evolving from this work would allow monitoring devices to be tailored for a range of Department of Energy hazardous waste sites (and for other applications). The primary project objectives for this three year program, summarized below, have not changed from those described in our proposal document.