The purpose of this Cooperative Research and Development Agreement was to perform an extensive design review and design a new microcontroller-based motor controller to operate the telescoping light. The new design tasked Federal Manufacturing and Technologies (FM and T) to utilize off-the-shelf components instead of military-specified components with higher reliability. The improved motor controller design looked at significantly reducing the overall component cost. FM and T brought specific strengths and capabilities to this project including custom circuit design, special testing, and troubleshooting expertise. In addition, Innovative Lighting Corporation (ILC) redesigned the housing and evaluated options to lower other component costs. ILC recognized the need for a redesign to eliminate other inefficiencies in the product's design. However, significant added costs to improve the product's reliability would make it difficult to attract the interest of boat manufacturers. The final objective was for FM and T to provide ILC with a tester to functionally test their PowerLight controller circuits before they were assembled onto the light and shipped to their customers. This would further reduce the incidence of customers receiving defective product from ILC.