National Computational Infrastructure for Lattice Gauge Theory SciDAC-2 Closeout Report, Indiana University Component.
Chatterjee, L. ; Gottlieb, S.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Lattice field theory;    Computations;    Computer codes;    Physics;    Projects;   
RP-ID  :  DE141144744
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】
The overall structure and accomplishments of this project are described in the project-wide final report, while this report identifies the part done by the three MILC collaboration institutions, the University of Arizona, Indiana University, and the University of Utah. The MILC collaboration consists of approximately ten senior and seven junior members at ten institutions, mostly in the USA. 1 Almost all of its scientific work is done with the MILC code, an integrated package of some 200,000 lines of scientific application codes and a library of generic supporting codes. It has been in use worldwide and freely available to the public since the early 1990s, and has grown and evolved over the years to meet our evolving physics goals and rapid changes in computer architecture and capability. Under SciDAC-2 three MILC-collaboration institutions, the University of Arizona, Indiana University, and the University of Utah, were responsible for a large number of important revisions to the code that exploit the evolving SciDAC code suite. These institutions have also contributed important new SciDAC modules. These changes have made the MILC code much more flexible, they have allowed us to keep abreast of our changing scientific objectives, and, consequently, they have enabled rapid scientific progress. Over the six years of the SciDAC-2 grant, the MILC institutions received support for approximately 1/2 postdoctoral research associate each.
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