Time-Lapse Modeling and Inversion of CO2 Saturation for Sequestration and Enhanced Oil Recovery. Quarterly Report for the Period July 1, 2004-September, 30, 2004.
In the fourth quarter of this DOE NETL project, they have developed an algorithm for generating time-lapse seismic anomalies from changes in fluid properties over time. This forward-modeling algorithm constitutes the first step in the inversion procedure of Phase III of the project. Examples were generated illustrating the flexibility of this approach. Additional activities in this reporting period included a trip by the Principal Investigator to the 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-7) in Vancouver, Canada, September 5-9, 2004. In the next quarter, they will work on the second step of the inversion procedure, namely, the inversion of the seismic time-lapse anomalies to obtain changes in fluid properties, and will continue investigating alternative methods for calculating properties of oil/brine/CO(sub 2) and brine/CO(sub 2) systems.