The advanced CFDRC software package was installed on a SUN-SPARC dual processor workstation (UTPA funded). The literature pertinent to the project was collected. The physical model was set and all parameters and variables were identified. Based on the physical model, the geometric modeling and grid generation processes were performed using the CFD-GEOM (Interactive Geometric Modeling and Grid Generation software). A total number of 11160 cells (24845) were generated. The venturis in the cascade were modeled as two-dimensional axisymmetric convergent nozzles around the jet. With the cascade being added to the jet, the geometric complexity of the problem increased; which required multi-domain structured grid systems to be connected and matched on the boundaries. The natural gas/propane jet diffusion flame is being numerically analyzed. The numerical computations are being conducted using the CFDRC-ACE+ (advanced computational environment) software package.