Very Fast Ramping Muon Synchrotron for a Neutrino Factory.
Summers, D. J. ; Berg, J. S. ; Palmer, R. B. ; Garren, A. A.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Accelerators;    Muons;    Fast ramping synchrotron;    Copper;    Eddy currents;   
RP-ID  :  DE200415006336
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】
A 4600 Hz fast ramping synchrotron is studied as an economical way of accelerating muons from 4 to 20 GeV/c for a neutrino factory. Eddy current losses are minimized by the low machine duty cycle plus thin grain oriented silicon steel laminations and thin copper wires. Combined function magnets with high gradients alternating within single magnets form the lattice. Muon survival is 83%.
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