Many papers have considered the theory of retrieving columnar water vapor using the continuum interpolated band ratio (CIBR) and a few the atmospherically pre-corrected differential absorption (APDA) methods. In this paper we aim at giving recipes to actually implement CIBR and APDA for the Multi-spectral Thermal Imager (MTI) with the hope that they can be easily adapted to other sensors such as MODIS, AVIRIS and HYDICE. The algorithms have the four following steps in common: (1) running a radiative transfer (RT) algorithm for a range of water vapor values and a particular observation geometry, (2) computation of sensor band-averaged radiances, (3) computation of a non-linear fit of channel ratios (CIBR or APDA) as a function of water vapor, (4) application of the inverse fit to retrieve columnar water vapor as a function of channel ratio.