Modelling catchment scale nutrient generation
Newham, LTH ; Drewry, JJ
CSIRO Land & Water
RP-ID  :  procite:69fb5487-57d2-4fa1-8a00-ee78bccb4246
来源: CSIRO Research Publications Repository
【 摘 要 】
Executive Summary:The aim of this report is to guide the ongoing development of nutrient generation approaches suitable for application in Australian catchments.The report begins by presenting an overview of literature on Austrlaian nutrient generation studies, and includes a summary of the primary considerations for constructing models to simulate nutrient generation.Among other suggestions, the importance of considering soluble nutrient sources via processes of leaching and groundwater contribution is emphasised.A descritpion of broad modelling approaches, potentially applicable for simulating nutrient generation is then made.The applicability of four categories of models, viz. generation rates-, process-, physics- and index-based approaches, is discussed.For application in Austrlaian catchment-scale studies, less complex approaches such as generation rates and process-based model categories are suggested as most appropriate.A comparison and evaluation of specific models viz. CMSS, CatchMODS, EMSS and E2, which are currently used in Australia, is then made.The specific features of these models are presented and critiqued.It is suggested that development be directed towards scenario-based assessment using models with node-link spatial structures, operating at daily time intervals.Suggested directions for ongoing research, including improving representation of subsurface pathways and soluble nutrient components under a ranage of land uses, are suggested.Consideration of simulation of nutrient generation processes, the applicability of existing models and other general issues including potential enhancement to generation rates-based approaches are also presented.
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