Design trade-offs in an interactive industrial symbiosis platform
Computer-Human Interaction
Taylor, Jen ; Ayre, Melanie ; King, Sarah ; Paris, Cecile
DOI  :  10.4225/08/5852dadb449ac
RP-ID  :  EP16861
来源: CSIRO Research Publications Repository
【 摘 要 】
The ASPIRE interactive platform improves the sustainability of the Australia’s manufacturing sector by systematically identifying opportunities for exchange of resources such as wastes and by-products between firms, leading to successful industrial symbiosis outcomes (e.g., reduced operating costs and landfill waste). Stakeholders including small to medium enterprises (SMEs), designers, and business advisers demonstrate widely differing conceptual models of resources, necessitating design trade-offs. This paper explores different conceptual models of industrial resources, and identifies design trade-offs arising from those differences. It then evaluates the impact of these design choices on the users’ ability to effectively describe their resources via an interactive web interface and receive meaningful waste management connections. This study highlights the challenging nature of interaction design in an industrial resource space, and the importance of understanding how users make sense of the world to ensure that design interventions meets their needs.
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