Coastal Blue Carbon Emissions Reduction Opportunities Workshop report prepared for the Department of the Environment and Energy
Carbon Sequestration Science
Cannard, Toni ; Kelleway, Jeff ; Serrano, Oscar ; Baldock, Jeff ; Lavery, Paul ; Lovelock, Catherine ; Macreadie, Peter ; Masque, Pere ; Saintilan, Neil ; Steven, Andy
Commonwealth of Australia
RP-ID  :  EP165954
来源: CSIRO Research Publications Repository
【 摘 要 】
Mangrove forests, tidal marshes, and seagrass ecosystems provide economic, environmental and social benefits for Australia with additional benefits being possible through their ability to capture and store carbon. A participatory stakeholder and expert workshop was conducted in Canberra on 28 July 2016 to scope potential for the inclusion of coastal blue carbon in the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF). The workshop aimed in part to understand the state of the science and the carbon holding capability and capacity in vegetated coastal mangrove forests, tidal marshes, and seagrass habitats known as coastal blue carbon. The carbon stored in and flowing through these ecosystems has considerable potential to contribute to both the ERF and the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory. Emissions reduction methodology determinations (methods) for identifying activities eligible under the ERF must meet the offsets integrity standards detailed in the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 (the CFI Act). The workshop brought together experts and interested parties across all scientific disciplines and government representatives with industry, community and NGO experts. Presentations from staff of the Department of the Environment and Energy (DoEE) conveyed to participants important concepts under the CFI Act regarding regulatory additionality, newness, and the government program for evaluation of abatement plans. Information was provided to foster and support workshop deliberations including detail on the ERF, data needs of the National Carbon Inventory and the newly formed International Partnership for Blue Carbon. The second workshop session focussed on the state of knowledge in respect of the extent of potential carbon stocks in coastal blue carbon ecosystems with the project team presenting findings from the CSIRO Marine and Coastal Carbon Biogeochemistry Cluster research. Sessions 3 to 5 inclusive were working sessions in which participants offered their knowledge, experiences and real-time online data collection. In each of these sessions, focusing on one ecosystem type at a time, researchers provided more detailed information and explained a suite of influencing factors identified by the project team.
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