Anthropogenic features inclusion methodology - WIRADAII Geofabric Deliverable 2.4 White Paper
Conceptual Modelling;Global Information Systems
Car, Nick ; Atkinson, Rob ; Smith, Darren ; Menzel, Mark ; Brooks, Mattew ; Taylor, Peter
DOI  :  10.4225/08/5852dd34b3f2c
RP-ID  :  EP155203
来源: CSIRO Research Publications Repository
【 摘 要 】
As of Version 2.1.1 of the Geofabric, anthropogenic, i.e. man-made, surface hydrology features have not been explicitly catered for in any of the 6 core Geofabric products. Where they transfer water between catchment hierarchies they affect flow observations and details of them need to be available to Geofabric users.Many canal and pipeline segments are already mapped in the Surface Hydrology Cartography product but remain un-attributed or partially attributed. It is difficult to include them in the regular Geofabric geoprocessing steps (see [1] for process details) used to produce contracted catchments as they are not observable through processing of the base Geofabric digital elevation model (DEM) which is used to determine natural water courses for the Surface Hydrology Network product. They are therefore not automatically able to be made flow-directed.It is relatively easy to list mapped man-made features, taken from the Surface Hydrology Cartography product and index them by Hydrological Reporting Catchment, River Region or even Drainage Division. It is also relatively easy to see if those mapped man-made watercourse segments cross catchment boundaries.
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