Technical Guidelines for Assessment and Management of Inland Freshwater Areas impacted by Acid Sulfate Soils.
Earth Sciences not elsewhere classified
Fitzpatrick, Rob ; Shand, Paul ; Hicks, Warren
CSIRO Client Report: Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship. CSIRO, Adelaide
DOI  :  10.5072/83/5849a13e94e13
RP-ID  :  EP15480
来源: CSIRO Research Publications Repository
【 摘 要 】
These technical guidelines for the assessment and management of inland freshwater areas impacted by acid sulfate soils provide an authoritive reference that can be used to describe and support a broad range of assessment and management options, without advocating particular choices. The main intent of these guidelines is to provide the scientific basis for implementing those decisions in a more informed and sustainable manner. This document also provides a summary of available information on the properties and variations, both spatially and with time, of Australian Inland freshwater ASS using 36 case studies from different geographical areas in South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia and New South Wales. A set of Guidelines, employing 7-stages, was applied to these case studies that illustrate ASS assessment and management approaches at a local level. This report outlines the main tasks required to carry out each stage, so that decisions on ASS hazard/risk and appropriate management options can be adequately supported.Guidelines were developed based on the following 7-stages:1. Initial characterisation – verify occurrence of Acid Sulfate Soils2. Problem categorisation – desktop assessment3. Design investigation - reconnaissance field investigations of Acid Sulfate Soils4. Characterise and analyse in detail5. Assess hazard/risk6. Decide on management options7. Report and communicateThis information has been developed to assist policy makers, planners, landholders, wetland managers and water managers as well as industry and consultants. It provides guidelines on approaches to assess hazard and effective management options for a wide range of Acid Sulfate Soils in inland freshwater areas.
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