The HydroPlanner prototype was developed to examine the feasibility of developing an integrated modelling tool of the whole urban water system by considering the interactions between sub-systems and dynamics of each sub-system.The sub-systems included supply catchments, supply sources (surface water, groundwater, desalinated water, treated stormwater, recycled wastewater and rainwater), water consumers, stormwater, wastewater and receiving water.Need for an integrated modelling tool of the whole urban water system had arisen through recent shifts from the traditional supply and demand approach to regional and metropolitan water planning to a more integrated approach which considered (a) diversification of supply sources by considering non-traditional water sources such as stormwater, rainwater and recycled water, and (b) implications on other aspects of the system as water quality, energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions. This shift was driven by the need to balance increasing pressures, such as population growth, reduction in inflows into reservoirs, and declining receiving water quality. Features of the prototype version of HydroPlanner for SEQ were developed for the simulation of both water quantity and quality aspects of the urban water cycle. The development of functionality was informed by the features of a typical urbanised catchment in the South East Queensland (SEQ): Logan-Albert catchment. The key features tested were:•Rainfall-runoff generation process •Routing of flows from supply catchment to tidal limits of receiving waters•Surface water storage behaviour (both on and off-stream)•Wastewater generation, treatment, discharge and recycling•Point and diffuse source constituent generation and filtering•Potential impacts of land use changes and climate change•Urban and regulated irrigation demands •Supplying water from multiple sources to meet demands using heuristic rules•Large scale stormwater harvesting •Environmental and catchment outlet constituent loads and flows•Supply system yield corresponding to a given level of service criteria•Reliability, resilience and vulnerability of the surface water system•Total system demand and demand shortfall •Uncertainty posed by climate variability (through the use of stochastically generated climate data for the simulation of system behaviourThe HydroPlanner prototype in SEQ was developed by incorporating advances made in the previous version of HydroPlanner prototype demonstrated in Canberra, into eWater CRC’s E2 river and catchment modelling framework. The E2 framework included functionalities to perform continuous simulation of whole-of-catchment water quantity and quality. HydroPlanner extended the E2 river and catchment modelling framework by adding a new set of functionalities to represent urban water management.The Albert-Logan catchment was also used to as a test case study. The aim of test case was to demonstrate the viability and validity of an integrated approach to modelling a system of such size under one model. Results of the test application demonstrated that an integrated modelling capability for urban water systems could be developed by extending eWater CRC’s E2 framework to include urban water consumption, stormwater and wastewater flow paths.The integrated model could be used for the rapid assessment of various alternative supply options and land use scenarios, such as wastewater recycling and urban growth, in terms of the impact on outcomes such as storage volume, demand deficit, system yield and receiving water quality. Further, the test case demonstrated that an integrated modelling tool capable of representing interactions between sub-systems could be used to understand magnitude of the potential system-wide impacts due to changes occurring in a particular sub-system. Thus such a modelling tool could be used to evaluate the combined impact of land, water supply, demand, stormwater and wastewat