Biedron, Robert T ; Carlson, Jan Renee ; Derlaga, Joseph M ; Gnoffo, Peter A ; Hammond, Dana P ; Jones, William T ; Kleb, Bil ; Lee-Rausch, Elizabeth M ; Nielsen, Eric J ; Park, Michael A(NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, United States)
This manual describes the installation and execution of FUN3D version 13.6, including optional dependent packages. FUN3D is a suite of computational fluid dynamics simulation and design tools that uses mixed-element unstructured grids in a large number of formats, including structured multiblock and overset grid systems. A discretely-exact adjoint solver enables efficient gradient-based design and grid adaptation to reduce estimated discretization error. FUN3D is available with and without a reacting, real-gas capability. This generic gas option is available only for those persons that qualify for its beta release status.