New Horizons in Cosmology with Spectral Distortions of the Cosmic Microwave Background
Chluba, J ; Abitbol, M H ; Aghanim, N ; Ali-Haımoud, Y ; Alvarez, M ; Basu, K ; Bolliet, B ; Burigana, C ; Bernardis, P de ; Delabrouille, J(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France)
Following the pioneering observations with COBE in the early 1990s, studies of the cosmic mi- crowave background (CMB) have primarily focused on temperature and polarization anisotropies. CMB spectral distortions – tiny departures of the CMB energy spectrum from that of a perfect blackbody – provide a second, independent probe of fundamental physics, with a reach deep into the primordial Universe. The theoretical foundation of spectral distortions has seen major advances in recent years, highlighting the immense potential of this emerging field. Spectral distortions probe a fundamental property of the Universe – its thermal history – thereby providing additional insight into processes within the cosmological standard model(I) (CSM) as well as new physics beyond. Spectral distortions are an important tool for understanding inflation and the nature of dark matter. They shed new light on the physics of recombination and reionization, both prominent stages in the evolution of our Universe, and furnish critical information on baryonic feedback processes, in addition to probing primordial correlation functions at scales inaccessible to other tracers. In principle the range of signals is vast: many orders of magnitude of discovery space can be explored by detailed observations of the CMB energy spectrum. Several CSM signals are predicted and provide clear experimental targets that are observable with present-day technology. Confirmation of these signals would extend the reach of the CSM by orders of magnitude in physical scale as the Universe evolves from the initial stages to its present form. Their absence would pose a huge theoretical challenge, immediately pointing to new physics. Here, we advocate for a dedicated effort to measure CMB spectral distortions at the largest angular scales (greater than approximately 1°) within the ESA Voyage 2050 Program. We argue that an L-class mission with a pathfinder would allow a precise measurement of all the expected CSM distortions. With an M-class mission, the primordial distortions (created at z >~ 10(exp 3)) would still be detected at modest significance, while the late-time distortions will continue to be measured to high accuracy. Building on the heritage of COBE/FIRAS, a spectrometer that consists of multiple, cooled (approximately equal to 0.1 K), absolutely-calibrated Fourier Transform Spectrometers (FTS) with wide frequency coverage (ν approximately equal to 10 GHz to a few x THz) and all-sky spectral sensitivity at the level of 0.1 0.5 Jy/sr would be the starting point for the M-class option. A scaled and further optimized version of this concept is being envisioned as the L-class option. Such measurements can only be done from space and would deliver hundreds of absolutely-calibrated maps of the Universe at large scales, opening numerous science opportunities for cosmology and astrophysics. This will provide independent probes of inflation, dark matter and particle physics, recombination and the energy output of our Universe from at late times, turning the long-standing spectral distortion limits of COBE/FIRAS into clear detections.