An alternative process technique, namely vacuum-assisted axial injection potting (VaAIP), has been developed to pot the Litz wires in the stator winding of high power density electric motors for the future electrified aircrafts. Initial trials of the process showed significant improvement in potting quality with less voids, thus potential improvement in thermal management of the motors. As an initial effort of pot-ability assessment, microstructures, 2-D and 3-D, of the Litz wires including dimensions and distribution of conductor filament, coating, and open spaces; packing patterns; shape/configuration changes of each bundles or the overall cross-sections per degree of twist were determined and quantified successfully. The microstructure analyses were performed not only for effective potting process development but also for more realistic electro-thermal modeling solutions. This paper will present results of the microstructure analyses, potentials of the VaAIP process from the trials, and future plans for scale-up and implementation of the process into a full-scale prototype stator winding.