This paper explores the novel Strayton engine concept. This engine combines the cycles of a Brayton engine with that of a Stirling engine to create a highly efficient recuperating gas turbine engine. In the explored case, both Brayton cycle and Stirling cycle engines are used to generate electrical power. Additionally, the Stirling engine is used to draw heat out of the Brayton turbine (acting to cool the turbine blades), while also pumping heat into Brayton cycle just before combustion occurs (acting as the mechanism for recuperation). The purpose of this paper is to detail the system level modeling techniques used to generate the simulation, perform a cycle analysis of the combined cycle engine, identify key technologies and challenges associated with the concept, and compare potential performance gains with existing gas turbine engines and internal combustion engines. Topics such as controls, blade cooling effects, engine weight, and heat transfer using heat pipe are also explored. Results from this work show potential architectures that could provide the required heat transfer rates, potential control strategies, and performance benefits, including efficiency gains between 10% and 3% on engines ranging from 200HP to 670HP with the combined cycle engine.