Spatially-resolved observations from the IRIS, SDO/AIA, and other space mission and ground-based telescopes, coupled with realistic 3D RMHD simulations, are a powerful tool for analysis of processes in the solar atmosphere. To better understand the dynamical and thermodynamic properties in the simulation data and their connection to observations, it is essential to determine similarities in the behaviors of the synthesized and observed emission. However, the complexity of observational data and physical processes makes comparison of observations and modeling results difficult. In this work, we show the initial results of application of K-Means clustering (unsupervised machine learning) algorithm to two different problems: 1) recognition of the typical spectroscopic line profiles observed by IRIS during solar flares and their typical dynamic behavior; 2) recognition of shocks and heating events in synthetic AIA emission data obtained from StellarBox quiet-Sun simulations. The average silhouette width technique for the KMeans algorithm is utilized in different ways to obtain optimal numbers of clusters. We discuss application of the emission clustering to visualizations of the computational volume, understanding its evolutionary trends and behavior patterns, and inversion (reconstruction) of physical properties of the solar atmosphere from synthesizes emission data.