Mars is a dusty planet. Wind often lifts dust from the surface into the air forming clouds of dust at different locations across Mars. These dust storms typically last up to a couple days and grow to a few hundred km in size. However, once in a long while when conditions are just right, localized dust storms can interact in a way that optically thick suspended dust covers nearly the entire planet remaining aloft for weeks to months. These global-scale dust storms are the most dramatic of all weather phenomena on Mars, greatly altering the thermal structure and dynamics of the Martian atmosphere and significantly changing the global distribution of surface dust. Such a global-scale dust storm occurred during the summer of 2018, the first such event since 2007. The global dust storm was observed by an international fleet of spacecraft in Mars orbit and on the surface of Mars providing an unprecedented view of the initiation, growth, and decay of the storm as well as the physical properties of the dust during the storm's evolution. The 2018 global-scale dust storm was observed to grow from several localized dust-lifting centers with wind-blown dust suspended in the atmosphere encircling Mars after about two weeks of activity. Dust column optical depths recorded by the Opportunity and Curiosity rovers on the surface were the highest ever recorded on Mars. Peak global intensity of the dust storm was reached in early July 2018. Over the next couple months, the dust settled out and the atmosphere returned to its climatological average. Only a small number of global-scale dust storms have been observed on Mars, and so detailed analysis of the observations of this storm will provide important new insight into how these events occur and their effect on the current Mars climate.