Fundamental characteristics of design, calibration, and application of three-component moment balances are investigated in great detail. These balances are typically used to determine loads on control surfaces, canards, or other parts that are attached to a wind tunnel model. First, three different descriptions of the load state of a moment balance are reviewed. Then, load transformations between different load formats and the combined load diagram for two of the three load components are discussed. An error analysis showed that it is critical to maximize the product of the distance between the bending moment gages and their sensitivities in order to minimize the overall error in the normal force prediction. In addition, it is important to apply a sufficient number of calibration loadings near the first bending moment gage. Then, unwanted near-linear dependencies between the two bending moment gage outputs can be avoided. The error in the bending moment prediction is also investigated that results from the elastic deformation of the metric part of the balance under load. Finally, the application of the Non-Iterative Method to three-component moment balance calibration data is described in order to obtain regression models that can be used to predict loads from measured outputs during a wind tunnel test.