A new method of computing jet noise, called mSrc, was developed on the general principles of acoustic analogies. In the method, the problem of translating turbulent flow energy into acoustic energy at a far-field observer is broken into two parts, a calculation of acoustic source strengths and then their propagation. The acoustic sources are related to turbulent quantities in the jet plume in a robust manner. The propagation, which is more properly computed using a Green's function accounting for nonuniform speed of sound and solid surfaces, is instead modeled using commonly observed features of jet acoustic far field directivity, and by diffraction barrier theory for surfaces. The mSrc method does not require gradients of the predicted flow field, allowing it to make use of robust unstructured RANS CFD methods, including embedded boundary codes. Such codes do not require specification of surface meshes, and auto-refine their grid to resolve flow gradients, putting resolution where it is required without a priori user input. The ability of mSrc to use such radically unstructured flow input results in an efficient method of estimating noise from jet flows from complex nozzles installed on aircraft. Many validation cases are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and range of applicability of the mSrc method for representative jet noise applications.