The Kennedy Space Center (KSC) has developed its own Command and Control System for the launch of the Space Launch System (SLS) and Orion capsule. The Command and Control System (CCS) is used by console engineers for the launch and system checkout of aerospace vehicles. The CCS allows console engineers to read data from the flight hardware on the launch pad and from the ground control systems and allows console engineers to issue commands, like opening a valve, to the flight hardware and ground control systems. The CCS needs to interact with thousands of devices and hardware controllers for the spacecraft and ground systems, receive data from these devices, distribute the data to console engineers in real-time, and allow console engineers to issue commands to manipulate hardware on the launch pad. The system needs to be robust, fault tolerant, responsive, and fast. In order to keep up with the pace of development of the CCS, a Test Automation System (TAS) is needed to validate the integrity of the system as a whole along with its individual components. Automated tests allow for faster development time, since tests can be ran through a Continuous Integration system and allow developers to check their code faster. Currently, the different modules, classes, and functions that make up the CCS are tested at the unit level, and the system level, with all the modules working together. My project was to implement a system for the data protocol layer of the Command Control System to be tested as a complete functional unit, with all of its classes and functions working together, but independent of the other modules of the CCS.