A new 6-DoF aeroservoelastic (ASE) Common Research Model (CRM) provided by The Boeing Company with aspect ratio 13.5 and 17 control surfaces per wing is utilized to demonstrate combined tracking and optimal multi-objective control. The multi-objective controller is derived on the closed loop tracking controller, and utilizes state and gust estimates provided by an extended state observer. Various methods of model reduction useful for control and estimation are presented. A computationally efficient MATLAB/Simulink simulation is presented which includes actuator dynamics, rate and deflection saturation limits, and gust disturbance inputs. The platform is used to demonstrate excellent 6-DoF tracking control performance coupled with the multi-objective controller, which is shown to effectively reduce structural mode movement, wing root bending moment, and drag. State and gust estimation is also shown to perform well, even when derived and/or implemented with significantly fewer states than the original full-sized model.