Marine boundary layer clouds, including the transition from stratocumulus to cumulus, are poorly represented in numerical weather prediction and general circulation models. In many cases, the complex physical relationships between cloud morphology and the environmental conditions in which marine boundary layer clouds exist are not well understood. Such uncertainties arise in the presence of biomass burning carbonaceous aerosol, as is the case over the southeast Atlantic Ocean, where it is likely that the absorbing and heating properties of these aerosols modify the microphysical composition and macrophysical arrangement of marine stratocumulus and trade cumulus. The deployment of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Mobile Facility #1 (AMF1) in support of LASIC (Layered Atlantic Smoke Interactions with Clouds) provided a unique opportunity to observe thermodynamic, cloud and aerosol properties during two consecutive biomass burning seasons from July through October of 2016 and 2017 over Ascension Island (7.96 S, 14.35 W). These observations in conjunction with radiation transfer modeling were used to assess the impact of biomass burning carbonaceous aerosol plumes as they passed over the site.Thermodynamic profiles were generated using a combination of radiosonde data and thermodynamic profilers to provide high temporal resolution profiles of quantities that are important for cloud development, such as CAPE and CIN. Coincident Ka-band radar and lidar profiles were used to characterize the cloud and sub-cloud structure. The resulting thermodynamic and cloud profiles are used as input forcing for the Rapid Radiative Transfer Model (RRTM) to compute radiative heating profiles over the observation site. Idealized experiments using RRTM, with and without aerosols present, are used to assess the impacts of the absorbing aerosol on the heating rate profiles.