The observations of Mercury's exosphere described in Chapter 14 have led to many modeling efforts. Early models were based upon a few simple assumptions and primarily explored the dynamics of sodium atoms pushed anti-sunward by radiation pressure [Ip, 1986; Smyth and Marconi, 1995]. More recently, these early models have been superseded by simulations with an increasing number of interdependent source processes [Leblanc and Johnson, 2003; Mura et al., 2009; Leblanc and Johnson, 2010; Burger et al., 2010, 2012, 2014]. We briefly summarize the source and loss processes before describing the published exosphere models, first for the three species observed almost continuously during the MESSENGER mission by the Ultraviolet and Visible Spectrometer (UVVS) channel of the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition2Spectrometer (MASCS), (Na, Mg and Ca), and then more briefly for other species that have been observed or for which new upper limits have been derived.15.1 Overview of Source and Loss Processes15.1.1 Source Processes15.1.1.1 Thermal DesorptionThermal desorption (or thermal evaporation) is the release of adsorbed atoms from a surface via heating. Thermal desorption is related to the binding energy of the atom on the surface and the vibrational frequency of the bound atom, such that the rate of thermal desorption is given by, (15.1)where TD,