The search for habitable exoplanets in the "neighborhood," that is within 10 parsecs (pc),invites new observational techniques, because telescopes available today have significant limitations. For example, gravitational micro-lensing is a deep field method that has little or no utility within 10 pc. Photometry of transits reduces the availability of exoplanets to a probability of approximately a 1%, and fewer than 1 out of 100 earth twins would ever be seen. For the 1% of exoplanets seen in transit, spectra of albedos cannot be taken.Even more limiting, Doppler shift studies are indirect and cannot characterize exoplanets other than by their orbits and masses through stellar radial velocity (RV). Moreover, RV by Doppler shift cannot detect planets in orbits on a plane perpendicular to our line of sight. Astrometry can be used to measure stellar orbital wobble for those exoplanetary systems in the plane perpendicular to our line of sight, as was contemplated for the cancelled NASA SIM mission 1 and rests now with ESA's GAIA2. In either case, the exoplanets detected by stellar RV or astrometry would not be directly observed, so the assumption that the three phases of water could exist does not answer a key question of habitability. Is there water on the exoplanet? Moreover, the discovery of water on an exoplanet in the habitable zone, exciting though it would be, is insufficient to determine just how habitable the exoplanet might possibly be. Like Goldilocks' porridge - there are many other ingredients beyond water alone in a life-sustaining soup.We propose a new species of optical telescope that has as one of its capabilities the high resolution spectrographic characterization of exoplanets on stars within 10 pc of the observatory. To achieve this performance specification, we propose to break with convention by taking advantage of an optical technology unknown until relatively recent times: the hologram. In this Report we show how holograms used in primary and secondary can extract spectrograms from exoplanets at distances reaching 33 light years from our solar system. We describe a notional space telescope using these novel optics that could make its observations in a space deployment scenario.