Recently, next generation techniques and designs were demonstrated using Integrated Refrigeration and Storage (IRAS) for large scale storage of liquid hydrogen at NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida. Zero boil-off, densification, and in-situ liquefaction of hydrogen were achieved at various fill levels inside a custom-built 125,000 liter, horizontal-cylindrical IRAS tank, validating the applicability of the concept for large scale cryo-fluid storage architectures. This paper will discuss a number of transient physics models developed to predict the bulk behavior of large IRAS systems, and the comparison of those models to data gathered during the KSC test campaign. In an attempt to extent their usefulness to future IRAS designs, these models were agnostic with respect to stored fluid, tank size and geometry. Behavior during densification testing was examined at three fill levels, and ultimately the depressurization and bulk temperature trends of the KSC tests were predicted with good accuracy.