Curating Nasa's Future Extraterrestrial Sample Collections: the Role of Advanced Curation
McCubbin, Francis M ; Evans, Cindy A ; Fries, Marc D ; Harrington, Andrea D ; Locke, Darren R ; Mitchell, Julie L ; Regberg, Aaron B ; Zeigler, Ryan A ; Stansbery, Eileen K
The Astromaterials Acquisition and Curation Office at NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) (henceforth referred to herein as NASA Curation Office) is responsible for curating all of NASA's extraterrestrial samples. Under the governing document, NASA Policy Directive (NPD) 7100.10F "Curation of Extraterrestrial Materials," JSC is charged with "The curation of all extraterrestrial material under NASA control, including future NASA missions." The Directive goes on to define Curation as including "...documentation, preservation, preparation, and distribution of samples for re-search, education, and public outreach." Here we describe some of the ongoing efforts to ensure that the future activities of the NASA Curation Office are working towards a state of maximum proficiency.