Understanding the aerodynamic impact of swept-wing ice accretions is a crucial component of the design of modern aircraft. Computer-simulation tools are commonly used to approximate ice shapes, so the necessary level of detail or fidelity of those simulated ice shapes must be understood relative to high-fidelity representations of the ice. Previous tests were performed in the NASA Icing Research Tunnel to acquire high-fidelity ice shapes. Some of those ice shapes are based on aircraft certification requirements. From this database, full-span artificial ice shapes were designed and manufactured for both an 8.9%-scale and 13.3%-scale semispan wing model of the CRM65 which has been established as the full-scale baseline for this swept-wing project. These models were tested in the Walter H. Beech wind tunnel at Wichita State University and at the ONERA (Office national d'etudes et de recherches aerospatiales) F1 facility, respectively. The data collected in the Wichita State University wind tunnel provided a low-Reynolds number baseline study while the pressurized F1 facility produced data over a wide range of Reynolds and Mach numbers with the highest Reynolds number studied being approximately Re = 11.9 by 10 (sup 6). Three different fidelity representations were created based on three different icing conditions. Lower-fidelity ice shapes were created by lofting a smooth ice shape between cross-section cuts of the high-fidelity ice shape. Grit roughness was attached to this smooth ice shape as another fidelity variant. The data indicates that the geometric fidelity of the ice shapes resulted in significant differences in lift and drag. These results were similar at both facilities over the wide range of test conditions utilized.