Overview of Heatshield for Extreme Entry Environment Technology (HEEET)
Driver, David M ; Ellerby, Donald T ; Gasch, Matthew J ; Mahzari, Milad ; Milos, Frank S ; Nishioka, Owen S ; Stackpoole, Margaret M ; Venkatapathy, Ethiraj ; Young, Zion W ; Gage, Peter J(Neerim Corp, Mountain View, CA, United States)
The Heatshield for Extreme Entry Environment Technology (HEEET) projects objective is to mature a 3-D Woven Thermal Protection System (TPS) to Technical Readiness Level (TRL) 6 to support future NASA missions to destinations such as Venus and Saturn. The scope of the project, status of which will be discussed, encompasses development of manufacturing and integration processes, fabrication of a prototype 1m diameter engineering test unit (ETU) that will undergo a series of structural tests, characterizing material aerothermal performance including development of a material response model, and structural testing and analysis to develop tools to support design and establish system capability.