A propulsion system with Boundary Layer Ingestion (BLI) has the potential to significantly reduce aircraft engine fuel burn. But a critical challenge is to design a fan that can operate continuously with a persistent BLI distortion without aeromechanical failure -- flutter or high cycle fatigue due to forced response. High-fidelity computational aeromechanics analysis can be very valuable to support the design of a fan that has satisfactory aeromechanic characteristics and good aerodynamic performance and operability. Detailed aeromechanics analyses together with careful monitoring of the test article is necessary to avoid unexpected problems or failures during testing. In the present work, an aeromechanics analysis based on a three-dimensional, time-accurate, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes computational fluid dynamics code is used to study the performance and aeromechanical characteristics of the fan in both circumferentially-uniform and circumferentially-varying distorted flows. Pre-test aeromechanics analyses are used to prepare for the wind tunnel test and comparisons are made with measured blade vibration data after the test. The analysis shows that the fan has low levels of aerodynamic damping at various operating conditions examined. In the test, the fan remained free of flutter except at one near-stall operating condition. Analysis could not be performed at this low mass flow rate operating condition since it fell beyond the limit of numerical stability of the analysis code. The measured resonant forced response at a specific low-response crossing indicated that the analysis under-predicted this response and work is in progress to understand possible sources of differences and to analyze other larger resonant responses. Follow-on work is also planned with a coupled inlet-fan aeromechanics analysis that will more accurately represent the interactions between the fan and BLI distortion.