This paper reports the wall-resolved large eddy simulations of shock-induced boundary layer separation over an axisymmetric bump for a flow Mach number of 0.875 and a chord-based Reynolds number of 2.763 million. The incoming boundary layer has a momentum-thickness Reynolds number of 6600 at one and a half chord lengths upstream of the leading edge. The calculations simulate the experiment by Bachalo and Johnson (AIAA Journal, Vol. 24, No. 3, 1986), except that the tunnel walls are ignored and the simulations are performed assuming free air with as many as 24 billion grid points. The effects of domain span, grid resolution and time step on the predictions are examined. The results are found to show some sensitivity to the studied parameters. Owing to the outer boundary conditions, the predicted surface pressure distribution as well as the flow separation and reattachment locations tend to agree better with the experimental results from the larger (6 × 6 ft) tunnel than those from the smaller (2 × 2 ft) tunnel. The predicted Reynolds shear stress profiles in the separated region differ by as much as 31%from the experimental results that were only obtained in the smaller tunnel. The most accurate surface pressure distribution obtained in this study lies within the scatter of the measurements taken in the two facilities.