The previously submitted draft report (November 2015) used version 2 of the IDMM鈥揳g. Since submission of that draft, Parts of the model dealing soil erosion have beenrewritten to deal with minor errors discovered. The predictions presented in this report have been done using the updated model (IDMM鈥揳g v3). The updated model producesresults which are broadly similar to those previously obtained, both in trends across the scenarios and in the differences in surface water and sediment concentrationswithin different waterbody types using the same soil scenario. A single scenario (D5 pond) now has predicted PNEC exceedances for surface water copper which were notpredicted by the previous model. All other patterns of PNEC exceedance or nonexceedence are the same as were predicted using the previous model.The influence of high soil erosion rate on metal accumulation in scenario R2 was notseen when using IDMM鈥揳g v3. Therefore, discussion of this has been removed from this version of the report.A summary of the differences in predicted concentrations relevant to PNEC exceedance is presented in Appendix 2.