Homeland Security Intelligence: Perceptions, Statutory Definitions, and Approaches
Masse, Todd M.
Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.
关键词: Defense policy;    National security;    Intelligence activities;   
RP-ID  :  RL33616
RP-ID  :  RL33616_2006Aug18
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

Although the activities involved in homeland security intelligence (HSINT)itself are not new, the relative importance of state, local, and private sector stakeholders; the awareness of how law enforcement information might protect national security; and the importance attached to homeland security intelligence have all increased substantially since the events of September 11, 2001. This report provides a potential conceptual model of how to frame HSINT, including geographic, structural/statutory, and holistic approaches. Given that state, local, tribal, and private sector officials play such an important role in HSINT, the holistic model, one not constrained by geography or levels of government, strikes many as the most compelling. The report argues that there is, in effect, a Homeland Security Intelligence Community (HSIC). While this community may not necessarily be a useful construct from a management perspective, it is nevertheless a community as traditionally defined. Although the HSIC’s members are diffused across the nation, they share a common counterterrorism interest.

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