A Review of Medical Child Support: Background, Policy, and Issues
Solomon-Fears, Carmen
Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.
关键词: Children;    Child health services;    Child support;    Health policy;    Welfare;   
RP-ID  :  RL32135
RP-ID  :  RL32135 2003-11-03
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

Improving the establishment and enforcement of medical child support has been hampered to some extent by factors such as high health care costs, a decline in employer-provided health insurance coverage, an increase in the share of health insurance costs borne by employees, and the large number of uninsured children. This report provides a legislative history of medical support provisions in Child Support Enforcement (CSE) programs, describes current policy with respect to medical child support, examines available data, and discusses some of the issues related to medical child support. This report will not be updated.

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