Drought Legislation: Comparison of Selected Provisions in H.R. 2898 and S. 1894
Stern, Charles V. ; Sheikh, Pervaze A. ; Cody, Betsy A. ; Carter, Nicole T. ; Copeland, Claudia
Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.
关键词: Emergency management;    Droughts;    Water resources;   
RP-ID  :  R44180
RP-ID  :  R44180_2015Sep04
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
This report summarizes the provisions of S. 1894, as introduced, and H.R. 2898, as passed by the House for conservation of fish species and their habitats in drought-stricken areas. It identifies comparable provisions between the two bills and discusses some of the ways in which those provisions overlap or differ. It also summarizes selected other major provisions in each bill.
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