Data Compilation for AGR-1 Baseline Coated Particle Composite LEU01-46T
Hunn, John D ; Lowden, Richard Andrew
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
关键词: Natural Uranium;    Coated Particle;    Irradiation;    Buffers;    Specifications;   
DOI  :  10.2172/974594
RP-ID  :  ORNL/TM-2006/019
RP-ID  :  DE-AC05-00OR22725
RP-ID  :  974594
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

This document is a compilation of characterization data for the AGR-1 baseline coated particle composite LEU01-46T, a composite of four batches of TRISO-coated 350 {micro}m 19.7% low enrichment uranium oxide/uranium carbide kernels (LEUCO). The AGR-1 TRISO-coated particles consist of a spherical kernel coated with a {approx} 50% dense carbon buffer layer (100 {micro}m nominal thickness) followed by a dense inner pyrocarbonlayer (40 {micro}m nominal thickness) followed by a SiC layer (35 {micro}m nominal thickness) followed by another dense outer pyrocarbon layer (40 {micro}m nominal thickness). The coated particles, were produced by ORNL for the Advanced Gas Reactor Fuel Development and Qualification (AGR) program to be put into compacts for insertion in the first irradiation test capsule, AGR-1. The kernels were obtained from BWXT and identified as composite (G73D-20-69302). The BWXT kernel lot G73D-20-69302 was riffled into sublots for characterization and coating by ORNL and identified as LEU01-?? (where ?? is a series of integers beginning with 01). Additional particle batches were coated with only buffer or buffer plus inner pyrocarbon (IPyC) layers using similar process conditions as used for the full TRISO batches comprising the LEU01-46T composite. These batches were fabricated in order to qualify that the process conditions used for buffer and IPyC would produce acceptable densities, as described in sections 8 and 9. These qualifying batches used 350 {micro}m natural uranium oxide/uranium carbide kernels (NUCO). The kernels were obtained from BWXT and identified as composite G73B-NU-69300. The use of NUCO surrogate kernels is not expected to significantly effect the densities of the buffer and IPyC coatings. Confirmatory batches using LEUCO kernels from G73D-20-69302 were coated and characterized to verify this assumption. The AGR-1 Fuel Product Specification and Characterization Guidance (INL EDF-4380, Rev. 6) provides the requirements necessary for acceptance of the fuel manufactured for the AGR-1 irradiation test. Sections 5.2 and 5.3 of EDF-4380 provide the property requirements for the coated particle batches and coated particle composite. The STatistical Sampling Plan for AGR Fuel Materials (INL EDF-4542, Rev. 6) provides additional guidance regarding statistical methods for product acceptance and recommended sample sizes. The procedures for characterizing and qualifying the particles are outlined in ORNL product inspection plans: AGR-CHAR-PIP-01, AGR-CHAR-PIP-02, AGR-CHAR-PIP-03, and AGR-CHAR-PIP-04. The inspection report forms generated by these product inspection plans document the product acceptance for the property requirements listed in sections 5.2 and 5.3 of EDF-4380.

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