Technical Report: Impacts of Land Management and Climate on Agroecosystem Greenhouse Gas Exchange in the Upper Midwest United States
Griffis, Timothy J. ; Baker, John M.
University of Minnesota
关键词: Management;    Isotope Ratio;    Climate Change;    Seasonal Variations;    Ameriflux;   
DOI  :  10.2172/953624
RP-ID  :  FG02-03ER63684-3
RP-ID  :  FG02-03ER63684
RP-ID  :  953624
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
Our research is designed to improve the scientific understanding of how carbon is cycled between the land and atmosphere within a heavily managed landscape that is characteristic of the Upper Midwest. The Objectives are: 1) Quantify the seasonal and interannual variation of net ecosystem CO2 exchange of agricultural ecosystems in the Upper Midwest grown under different management strategies; 2) Partition net ecosystem CO2 exchange into photosynthesis and ecosystem respiration by combining micrometeorological and stable isotope techniques; 3) Examine the seasonal variation in canopy-scale photosynthetic discrimination and the isotope ratios of ecosystem respiration and photosynthesis.
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