CMM Technology
Ward, Robert C.
Kansas City Plant (KCP), Kansas City, MO
关键词: Calibration;    Data Analysis;    Dimensions;    Measuring Instruments;    Computerized Control Systems;   
DOI  :  10.2172/952475
RP-ID  :  KCP-613-8518
RP-ID  :  DE-AC04-01AL66850
RP-ID  :  952475
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

This project addressed coordinate measuring machine (CMM) technology and model-based engineering. CMM data analysis and delivery were enhanced through the addition of several machine types to the inspection summary program. CMM hardware and software improvements were made with the purchases of calibration and setup equipment and new model-based software for the creation of inspection programs. Kansas City Plant (KCP) personnel contributed to and influenced the development of dimensional metrology standards. Model-based engineering capabilities were expanded through the development of software for the tolerance analysis of piece parts and for the creation of model-based CMM inspection programs and inspection plans and through the purchase of off-the-shelf software for the tolerance analysis of mechanical assemblies. An obsolete database application used to track jobs in Precision Measurement was replaced by a web-based application with improved query and reporting capabilities. A potential project to address the transformation of the dimensional metrology enterprise at the Kansas City Plant was identified.

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