Theoretical Studies of Nucleation Kinetics and Nanodroplet Microstructure
Wilemski, Gerald
University of Missouri--Rolla
关键词: 77 Nanoscience And Nanotechnology;    Condensation;    Aerosols;    Thermodynamics Nucleation;    71 Classical And Quantum Mechanics, General Physics;   
DOI  :  10.2172/946706
RP-ID  :  DOE/ER/14894 - 4
RP-ID  :  FG02-98ER14894
RP-ID  :  946706
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The goals of this project were to (1) explore ways of bridging the gap between fundamental molecular nucleation theories and phenomenological approaches based on thermodynamic reasoning, (2) test and improve binary nucleation theory, and (3) provide the theoretical underpinning for a powerful new experimental technique, small angle neutron scattering (SANS) from nanodroplet aerosols, that can probe the compositional structure of nanodroplets. This report summarizes the accomplishments of this project in realizing these goals. Publications supported by this project fall into three general categories: (1) theoretical work on nucleation theory (2) experiments and modeling of nucleation and condensation in supersonic nozzles, and (3) experimental and theoretical work on nanodroplet structure and neutron scattering. These publications are listed and briefly summarized in this report.

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